Link card is a card, when clicked, the user goes to the specified link.
Use it to refer to your articles on other resources, to your new works (wherever they are posted: Github, Dribbble or anything else), to the certificates you received, and in general, to whatever is more convenient give a link.
Profile starter for Chronoblog Gatsby Theme.
The standard way to start using Chronoblog Gatsby Theme.
If your JavaScript codebase is even moderately complex, you probably have a way to bundle and run different code in development and production.
Quo tota viris id, pro ut numquam reprehendunt, quo ne wisi clita putent. Mei ea dicunt facilisi posidonium, agam salutandi eum no. Eu…
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Generally developers believe that you need TypeScript or Flow if you want type safety for JavaScript. This article we will explore a third alternative to achieve those same goals using just JSDoc comments and Visual Studio Code as your editor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vocibus menandri sit ne, his modo unum repudiandae ne. No illum ancillae indoctum nam, his et alii cibo, hinc…
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Quo integre oporteat et, ius no errem ignota honestatis. Pri tota nemore et, est pericula omittantur ei. Quot tempor libris eu nec. Ut qui…
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An example of how you can embed YouTube videos in a link card. Link leads to this video on YouTube.
Quo tota viris id, pro ut numquam reprehendunt, quo ne wisi clita putent. Mei ea dicunt facilisi posidonium, agam salutandi eum no. Eu…
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If you have any problems with the Chronoblog, or you have interesting ideas, write to the github issue:
You can also contact me on Twitter: