Jenn Creighton Chats With Kent About Avoiding An "Apropcolypse"
November 28, 2019
Jenn Creighton chats with Kent about how she keeps her React codebase clean.
A Rundown Of What's Next For React - With Dan Abramov
August 5, 2019
Dan Abramov talks about the future of React.
Realigning Your Model of React After Hooks - With Dan Abramov
August 4, 2019
Dan Abramov discusses how the addition of hooks changed how we write React.
Establishing Your Personal Brand - With Cassidy Williams
August 3, 2019
Cassidy Williams talks about the power that comes with establishing your personal brand.
November 5, 2018
Embed google presentation in a note
October 2, 2018
Embed Codepen code in note.
June 2, 2018
Note card - the type of content that is fully displayed in the feed of the site - it is suitable for short notes (like this one), videos, podcasts, slides, etc.
Since this is markdown - here you can do everything that allows you to do this format.
October 26, 2016
An example of how you can embed YouTube videos in a note.